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Jonathan Tellechea (jtl) - 6 years ago 2019-07-03 15:17:30
Typo correction
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
↑ Collapse Diff ↑
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ 168-GFP emitting strain. Barcode 207 pre
26 26
### References
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1. BURKHOLDER PR, GILES NH Jr. Induced biochemical mutations in Bacillus subtilis. Am J Bot. 1947 Jun; 34(6):345-8.
2. 2. Jan-Willem Veening, Heath Murray and Jeff Errington. A mechanism for cell cycle regulation of sporulation initiation in Bacillus subtilis. Genes Dev. 2009, 23.
 No newline at end of file
2. Jan-Willem Veening, Heath Murray and Jeff Errington. A mechanism for cell cycle regulation of sporulation initiation in Bacillus subtilis. Genes Dev. 2009, 23.
 No newline at end of file
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